2025 FASIC Program now open ! 


Deadline: 20 November 2024


The French-Australian Science and Innovation Collaboration (FASIC) program aims to develop academic, scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between laboratories in France and in Australia, by encouraging new cooperation and the participation of young researchers, and supporting the mobility between our two countries.


Submitted projects must be joint research or teaching projects involving at least a French and an Australian research partners.


A matching fund from the partnering Australian research institutions is mandatory and will stand as one of the eligibility criteria of the submitted projects. A letter of financial support from the research Australian institutions must be attached to the application. Application without this letter will not be considered.


You will find the general information about FASIC 2025 on Campus France website following this link


This program will be implemented through two specific instruments:

  • The FASIC Workshops Scheme supports the organisation of bilateral scientific workshops, jointly designed by French and Australian research groups on thematics of strategic interest for the future of the cooperation. To apply, you can refer to the application process on this link

  • The FASIC Academic/Researchers/Post-Docs/PhD students (or FASIC ARPD supports the mobility of academics, researchers, post-doctoral students or PhD students affiliated in France, DOM and COM included, or in Australia for a joint research collaboration, or teaching project. To apply, you can refer to the application process on this link


For any query about this program, feel free to contact us: science.canberra-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr


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