Partnerships in Australia

Current CNRS partnerships in Australia

1 International Research Laboratory

International Research Laboratories are the more mature level of organization for international cooperation. They are genuine joint laboratories located within partner universities, and they bring together researchers, PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, engineers, and technicians from both the CNRS and the partner institutions for 5-years mandates. Those initial mandates are often extended so their global duration can reach 15 years or even more.


CNRS Informatics

University of Adelaide, IMT Atlantique, University of South Australia, Flinders University, Naval Group

FrenCh-AustRalian LabOratory for HumanS / AutonomouS Agents TeamING”


13 International Research Projects

International Research Projects are collaborative research projects between CNRS and partner laboratories. They strengthen previously-established collaboration and allow to develop joint research activity, field work, experimentation, and supervising students. Their mandate is 5 years and can be extended once.


CNRS Nuclei & Particules – University of Melbourne

Subatech – Sara Diglio 

Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory- Elisabetta Barberio 

R&D for Future Generation Experiments, searching for Dark Matter and Neutrinoless Double Beta decay

2024 – 2028


CNRS Ingénierie – Australian National University

Institut de Nanotechnologies de Lyon – Etienne Puyoo

Research School of Physics – Sanjoy Nandi

Artificial neuron, neuromorphic architecture, sensor, thermoreceptor, mechanoreceptor. 

2024 – 2028


CNRS Ecologie & Environnement – Phillip Island Nature Parks

Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien- Claire Saraux 

PINP, Monash University – Andre Chiaradia

Integrating the oceanographic component and its consequences on the accessibility of prey into the study of individual population responses of marine predators

2024 – 2028


CNRS Biologie – University of Melbourne

Centre de recherche en cancérologie de Lyon – Patrick Melhem 

Centre for Cancer Research, Tumor Heterogeneity in Metastic Cancer Laboratory – Frédéric Hollande 

Dependence Receptors in Colorectal Tumours

2023 – 2027


CNRS Ingénierie – University of New South Wales

AMPERE – Claire Lesieur 

School of Built Environment – Mat Santamouris 

Sustainable design: from nature to cities

2023 – 2027


CNRS Sciences humaines & Sociales – University of Melbourne

Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle – Dr Patrick Caudal

School of Languages and Linguistics – Ass. Prof Brett Baker

Formal/Experimental Methods and In-depth Description of Australian Indigenous Languages

2021 – 2025


CNRS Chimie – Australian National University

Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes – Frédéric Paul 

Research School of Chemistry – Marc G.Humphrey 

Multiphoton Absorbers in Therapy and Imaging

2021 – 2026


CNRS Ingénierie – University of Queensland (i), Monash (ii)

Institut de mécanique et d’ingénierie (Bordeaux) – Pr. Nicolas Saintier

(i) Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology – Matthew Dargusch        (ii) Aijun Huang        

Additive Manufacturing for High PErformance MateriaLs and lattIce StructurEs

2020 – 2024

SocMet MM

CNRS Biologie – Macquarie University

Paris Saclay Institute of Neuroscience Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle – Isabelle Charrier 

School of Natural Sciences – Rob Harcourt

Social Communication Network in Marine Mammals

2020 – 2024


CNRS Sciences Informatiques – Australian National University

Laboratoire d’Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis – Tarek Hamel 

Australian Centre for Robotic Vision – Robert Mahony

Advanced Autonomy for Robotic Systems

2020 – 2024


CNRS Biologie – University of Melbourne

Institut pour l’avancée de biosciences – Cyrille Botté

School of Biosciences – Pr Geoff McFadden

Apicomplexan parasites lipid and membrane biogenesis

2018 – 2026


CNRS Ecologie & Environnement – Deakin University

Laboratoire Maladie Infectieuse et Vecteur : Ecologie, Génétique, Evolution et Contrôle – Frédérique Thomas

School of Life & Environmental Sciences – Beata UJVARI

French-Australian International Research Program on the roles of cancer in Ecology and Evolution

2020 – 2024


CNRS Ingénierie – RMIT

Institut de Nanotechnologies de Lyon – Christian Grillet 

Micro Nano Research Facility – Arnan Mitchell

International Associated Laboratory in Photonics between France and Australia

2014 – 2026

6 International Research Networks

International Research Networks will structure and gather a large international scientific community around a common theme or à research infrastructure. It promotes the organization of international workshops and seminars, as well as thematic schools. It brings together, for a duration of five years, researchers from several French and international laboratories, and several countries can be involved in one network.


CNRS Sciences humaines & Sociales – Australian National University

Centre pour l’économie environnementale – Luc Doyen 

Crawford School of Public Policy – Quentin Grafton

QuAntitative Resilience-based managEment and Sustainability for Social-ecological Systems

Other Members :

2024 – 2028


CNRS Ingénierie – Murdoch University

Lab GEnie des Procédés Environnement – Agroalimentaire – Olivier Gonçalves, Eric Leroy

Algea R&D Centre – Navid Moheimani

World Oilalg Network for Design of processes and strains for Elaboration of Renewable energy from microalgae – on engineering

Other members : Japan, USA

2021 – 2025

I² - Interstellar Institute

CNRS Terre & Univers – Australian National University, Macquarie University

Laboratoire d’astrophysique, Instrumentation et modélisation  – Marc Antoine Miville-Deschênes

French-Australian International Research Program on the roles of cancer in Ecology and Evolution

Other members : Canada, the United States (Lead), Germany, Austria and Greece.

2021 – 2025


CNRS Terre & Univers – University of Western Australia

Géosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET) – Olivier Vanderhaeghe

Center of Exploration Targeting- Quentin Grafton

French-Australian Research Network on the study of the Continental Lithosphere

Other Members : CSIRO, UMR GeoRessources

2020 – 2025


CNRS Sciences Humaines & Sociales – University of Sydney

Conceptual Biology & Medicine Groupab – Thomas Prade

Theory and Method in Biosciences Group – Paul Griffiths

The Institute for Philosophy In Biology and Medicine

Other members : Austria, UK and USA

2020 – 2024


CNRS Ingénierie – University of New South Wales

Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est  – Fermín CUEVAS

Material Energy Research Laboratory in nanoscale (MERLin)   – Francois AGUEY-ZINSOU

French-Australian International Research Network focusing on Conversion and Energy Storage for stand-alone & maritime applications

Other members : Deakin University, University of South Australia, and Flinders University

2021 – 2025

13 International Emerging Actions

International Emerging Actions are PI-to-PI projects whose purpose is to explore new fields of research and international partnerships through: short-term mobility of scientists, the organisation of working meetings, and the initiation of early-stage joint research works for shared scientific projects. These actions have a duration of two years.


CNRS Terre & Univers – University of Melbourne

Institut Terre et environnement de Strasbourg – Mathieu Schuster

School of Geography, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences – Jan-Hendrik MAY

A fresh perspective on salty lakes: assessing the role of wind related sedimentary processes in Australia’s lakes

2024 – 2025

Global Geometry of projective varieties

CNRS Mathématiques –  University of New South Wales, University of Sydney

Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Bretagne Atlantique – Erwan Rousseau

School of Mathematics and Statistics – Anita Lawrence Centre- Behrouz Taji

Global geometry of projective varieties through birational invariants and foliations.

2024 – 2025


CNRS Ingénierie – University of Queensland

Laboratoire Modélisation et Simulation Multi-Echelle – Madge MARTIN

School of Mech., Medical & Process Engineering – Peter Pivonka

Integration of 4D imaging, modelling and artificial intelligence to explore the evolution of bone structure on several scales

2024 – 2025


CNRS Biologie – University of Sydney

Institut de Génétique Humaine (IGH) – Andrew Oldfield

School of Mathematics and Statistics – Pengyi Yang

Dissecting the role of distal regulatory elements in the initiation of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition using single-cell sequencing technologies

2024 – 2025


CNRS Sciences Informatiques – University of Sydney

LAMDASE – Clément Royer

School of Mathematics and Statistics – Lindon Roberts

Blackbox Optimization with a Novel Use of Subspaces

2024 – 2025


CNRS Chimie – University of Queensland

Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon – Nuno Rocha Batalha 

Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences – Tatiana Komarova

Unraveling hydrogen spillover in heterogeneous catalysts for hydrogen transportation

2024 – 2025


CNRS Chimie – University of Wollongong

Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris – Marc Beneditti

School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life SciencesAnthony Dosseto

Beyond the Flames: Advancing Knowledge of Wildfire Impacts with Innovative Proxies

2024 – 2025


CNRS Physique – University of Melbourne

Institut de physique et chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg – Pascal Hebraud

Department of Chemical EngineeringMartin Greg

Dynamics of casein micelles networks

2023 – 2024


CNRS Chimie – Griffith University

Institut de Recherche sur les Céramiques, Centre Européen de la Céramique – Assil Bouzid

Centre for Catalysis and Clean Energy, School of Environment & Science  – Prof. Yun Wang

Modelling electrochemical processes of the hydrogen evolutionreaction on two-dimensional materials-based electrodes in alkalinesolution

2023 – 2024


CNRS Chimie – RMIT University

Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, Université de Toulouse – Françoise Benoit-Vical

School of health and biomedical sciences – Christian Doerig

Target the kinome to fight artemisinin-resistant malaria

2023 – 2024


CNRS Physique – Australian National University 

Matière et Systèmes Complexes, Université Paris Cité – Matthieu Roche

Department of Materials PhysicsNicolas Francois

The link between particle  structure resolved in time and space under flow, interparticle friction and dissipation using X-ray microtomography. 

2023 – 2024


CNRS Mathématiques – University of Queensland 

ISEA Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie – Renaud LEPLAIDEUR

School of Physics and Mathematics – Cecilia Gonzalez Tokman

Limit of Transfer Operators in South Pacific

2023 – 2024


CNRS Sciences Informatiques – University of Melbourne

Institut de Recherche en Informatique Fondamentale – Adrian Vladu

School of Computing and Information SystemsWilliam Seeun

Algorithms for Restricted Data Models

2023 – 2024