IRN PhilInBioMed

International Research Network on Philosophy in Biology and Medicine

IRN PhilInBioMed
2020 – 2024
Dr. Thomas Pradeu

IRN PhilInBioMed

IRN PhilInBioMed





The Institute for Philosophy In Biology and Medicine (PhilInBioMed) is a network of interdisciplinary institutes in Australia, Austria, France, the UK and the USA. PhilInBioMed aims at advancing philosophy in the biological and medical sciences, i.e. the co-production of knowledge by the direct interactions of philosophers, biologists, and medical doctors.

Missions and research themes

The mission of PhilInBioMed is to promote short- and long-term stays of philosophers in biology and medicine labs, as well as short- and long-term stays of biologists and MDs in philosophy labs. PhilInBioMed wants to foster interdisciplinary initiatives that use the conceptual tools of philosophy to solve scientific problems. The ultimate goal is a collaborative publication of the joint work in scientific journals, in order to impact scientific research.

Among the main research themes of the IRN PhillInBioMed are:

        • Repair, regeneration and development
        • Cancer and the concept of disease
        • Biological individuality in immunology and other biomedical sciences
        • Aging Big data in biological and medical sciences


  • Organization of annual meetings and seminars for network members.
  • Hosting of international interdisciplinary workshops open to all.
  • Promotion of short- and long-term stays at the participating institutes for permanent researchers and professors as well as doctoral and post-doctoral students.
  • Publication of interdisciplinary articles in scientific journals, co-authored by philosophers, scientists and medical doctors.

institutions and laboratories involved


The Conceptual Biology & Medicine Group part of the CNRS Unit 5164 ImmunoConcept at the University of Bordeaux

  • Thomas Pradeu (CNRS senior investigator)
  • Maël Lemoine (Professor at the University of Bordeaux)


The Theory and Method in Biosciences Group at the University of Sydney

  • Paul Griffiths (Professor at the University of Sydney)


The Konrad Lorenz Institute

  • Isabella-Sarto Jackson (Executive Manager)


The Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the University of Cambridge

  • Tim Lewens (Professor at the University of Cambridge)

The Egenis Center of the University of Exeter

  • Sabina Leonelli (Professor at the University of Exeter and Co-Director of Egenis)
  • John Dupré (Professor at the University of Exeter and Co-Director of Egenis)


The History and Philosophy of Science Project at the Marine Biological Laboratory (USA)

  • Kate MacCord (Program Administrator and McDonnell Fellow at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole)

The History and Philosophy of Biological Sciences Group at Arizona State University (USA)

  • Richard Creath (President’s Professor)
  • Jane Maienschein (University Professor, Regents’ Professor and Center Director)

The Philosophy Department of the University of Utah (USA)

Matt Haber (Department Chair)