Partnerships in New Zealand

Current CNRS partnerships in New Zealand

International Research Projects

International Research Projects are collaborative research projects between CNRS and partner laboratories. They strengthen previously-established collaboration and allow to develop joint research activity, field work, experimentation, and supervising students. Their mandate is 5 years and can be extended once.


CNRS Ecologie & Environnement – Lincoln University 

Littoral, Environnement, Télédétection, Géomatique Hervé Quenol

Manaaki Whenua Landcare Researchy

High resolution scenarios of adaptation strategies to climate change of perennial agroecosystems

2024 – 2028


CNRS Ingénierie – University of Auckland

Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne – Julien Fatome

Faculty of Science, PhysicsStéphane Coen

Confining walls-of-Light in nonlinear Kerr resonators

2021 – 2025

International Research Networks

International Emerging Actions


CNRS Evolution, Ecologie, Paléontologie – GNS Science

Evolution, Ecologie, Paléontologie / Lille – Taniel Danelian 

Department Environment & Climate Theme – Guiseppe Cortese

WPolycystine Radiolaria As a proxy To explore Issues On global environmental change and plankton ecology, biodiversity and biogeochemistry

Other members : Japan, Allemagne, USA

2021 – 2025


CNRS Ingénierie – University of Auckland 

CREATIS  – Olivia Monica Sigovan

Auckland Bioengineering Institute – Martyn Nash

Atrial biomechanics in stroke risk stratification

2024 – 2025