Peridotite boudin in greenstones

Peridotite boudin in greenstones (IRN FALCoL).

Strategy for the distribution of the 2021 funds

The FALCoL international laboratory (https://cnrssingapore.cnrs.fr/project/irn-falcol/) has been launched for five years starting in 2021 with a budget of 15 k€/year.

These credits are dedicated to develop collaborative research projects among FALCoL members and to fund or cofund activities (field work, mobility, workshop, analytical costs, …) that contribute to the better characterization and understanding of lithospheric transfers. FALCoL members are encouraged to mention ongoing projects or propose any ideas of new projects that could be promoted by FALCoL.  These propositions will be discussed by our pilot and scientific committee (PiSCo) comprised of Anne-Sylvie André-Mayer (GeoRessources), Nicolas Thébaud (UWA), Vaclav Metelka (CSIRO) and Olivier Vanderhaeghe (GET) that will define the strategy for the use of these funds. In order to facilitate the discussion, propositions of 1-2 pages should include:

  • Title of the project
  • Names and institutions of the participants
  • Relation to FALCoL
  • Goal of the project
  • Main activities to be funded
  • Source of additional funds
  • Budget
  • Provisional outcomes

Propositions should be sent in a pdf format to the members of the PiSCo before May 30th. The outcome of our strategic reflection will be released by the first week of June so that activities can start during the summer.

Cheers to all,

Anne-Sylvie André-Mayer : anne-sylvie.andre@univ-lorraine.fr

Nicolas Thebaud: nicolas.thebaud@uwa.edu.au

Vasek Metelka: Vaclav.Metelka@csiro.au

Olivier Vanderhaeghe: olivier.vanderhaeghe@get.omp.eu

Please check the document below for further information.

Strategy for the distribution of the 2021 funds

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