Partnerships in New Zealand

Current CNRS partnerships in New Zealand


3 International Research Projects

International Research Projects are collaborative research projects between CNRS and partner laboratories. They strengthen previously-established collaboration and allow to develop joint research activity, field work, experimentation, and supervising students. Their mandate is 5 years and can be extended once.


The IRP VINADAPT (International Research Project, High-resolution scenarios for adapting agrosystems to climate change: application to viticulture) managed by Dr. Hervé Quénol (CNRS, UMR6554 LETG, University of Rennes 2) in collaboration with the School of Earth and Environment (Prof. Peyman Zawar Reza) of University of Canterbury) will be effective from 2019 to 2023.


The IRP AntarctPlantAdapt (International Research Project Adaptation of Antarctic Plants to Climate Change), managed by Dr. Françoise Hennion (CNRS, UMR ECOBIO, CNRS-Université de Rennes 1) in collaboration with Institute of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University (Prof. Peter Lockhart), Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Otago (Prof. David Bryant) and UMR ESE (CNRS, AgroParis Tech, Université Paris Saclay), will be effective 2018-2021.


The WALL-IN project (confining walls-of-Light in nonlinear Kerr resonators) is an international research action focused on the study of nonlinear dynamics occurring in optical Kerr resonators. This project is managed by Julien Fatome from the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB) in Dijon (France) in collaboration with the photonics group of The University of Auckland (New-Zealand).

1 International Emerging Action

International Emerging Actions are PI-to-PI projects whose purpose is to explore new fields of research and international partnerships through: short-term mobility of scientists, the organisation of working meetings, and the initiation of early-stage joint research works for shared scientific projects. These actions have a duration of two years.


The IEA QIWI (International Emerging Action “Quantitative Imaging of Water-column Inhomogeneities using backscatter acoustic signal“) is managed by Dr. Yves Le Gonidec (Géosciences Rennes, CNRS – Université de Rennes 1) in collaboration with the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric research (New Zealand, Wellington).