The Adelaide-CNRS Research Mobility Scheme was established by the Department for Industry, Innovation and Science of the South Australian Governement and the University of Adalaide. The aim is to foster strong collaboration between CNRS and the University of Adelaide.

 In 2022-2023, the priority areas were Hydrogen, CO2 Catalysis, Space and the IRL CROSSING. 

In total, $120,000 has been awarded across five projects.

The scheme enables the successful applicants to build momentum to apply for larger programmatic grants and to attract global talent to South Australia.

We are pleased to note that many of the successful bids were led by early to mid-career women .


⚠ Stay tuned, a new call will open by the end of the year !



The first project ‘Facilitating a just transition to hydrogen’ was awarded $16,000 and is a Research partnerships with CNRS, IMT Atlantique, and ISC Paris Business School.  The international collaboration will also seek to contribute to the University of Adelaide’s Scaling Green Hydrogen CRC bid.

Dr Tracey Dodd, Dr Marie Gaille, Pr Yves Andres

The second project ‘CO2 reduction by low dimension material – a joint venture combining experiment and computation’ was awarded $60,000. The two groups from CNRS and University Adelaide will publish papers together, aiming at the top 10% of journals in the field. There will also be at least two co-supervised students, one focusing on experiment and the other one focusing on computation.

A/Pr Yan Jiao,  Dr Damien Voiry

The third project ‘Hydrogen Storage potential in South Australian Salt Basins’ was awarded $15,000. It will involve the co-supervision of 2-4 MSc students. Dr Rachelle Kernen will seek to apply to apply for an ARC Industry Fellowship and or ARC Discovery/Linkage Grant in Spring 2023. 

Dr Rachelle Kernen (lead), A/Pr Kat Amos, Pr Simon Holford, Prof Alan Collins, Pr JF Ghienne (co-lead), Dr G Bozetti, Dr Laurent Gindre-Chanu 

The fourth project ‘Self-Adjusting Algorithms for High-dimensional Black-box Optimization’ was awarded $15,000 and will be implemented in the context of the IRL CROSSING. Beyond the focus on scientific advances, a key concern will be to secure funding for a longer-term collaboration via a bilateral project (PHC, CNRS scheme or ARC). 

 Dr Aneta Neumann, Pr Carola Doerr

The last project ‘Ethics and AI – a collaborative approach’ will also be implemented in the context of the IRL CROSSING. It was awarded $14,000. There is already one PhD student in this collaboration and another one will potentially be recruited.  The project willl target the French ANR scheme in 2024, and potentially ARC schemes.

Dr Rachel Stephens (lead), Pr Anna Ma-Wyatt, Pr Odile Bellenguez, Pro Gilles Coppin, Mr Vincent Bebien (PhD)

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