
CNRS news in Oceania

[AUSTRALIA] When tumors redesign species interactions

This article is in French. Bien que les processus oncogéniques à l’origine des cancers soient omniprésents chez les organismes multicellulaires, ils ont jusqu’à très récemment été peu étudiés par la communauté scientifique en écologie évolutive. Du fait de la relative...

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[FRANCE] A year at the CNRS : a throwback to 2020

"2020, a year at CNRS" is the CNRS activity report, issued in French and English. This report presents the scientific news, innovations and valorisations, and devotes a special supplement on “COVID-19, the CNRS involved on all fronts”. Read the activity report (in...

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[IRP WALL-IN] Postdeadline paper in CLEO Europe

Typical nonlinear dynamics of the intra-cavity intensity profile obtained in a Kerr-resonator including a sinusoidal phase-modulated lattice, when the detuning is scanned across a resonance (from top to bottom) Wall-IN has been selected for a postdeadline presentation...

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Peridotite boudin in greenstones (IRN FALCoL). Strategy for the distribution of the 2021 funds The FALCoL international laboratory ( has been launched for five years starting in 2021 with a budget of 15 k€/year. These...

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[FRANCE] DEA PROGRAM | 3RD CALL 2021Application deadline: March 31, 2021 Please find below the third call for applications for Associate Directors of Studies (DEA) 2021. DEA 2021 an international mobility program inviting foreign scientific personalities from all...

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[AUSTRALIA] CNRS IRL Crossing: CNRS Press Release

[AUSTRALIA] CNRS IRL Crossing: CNRS Press ReleaseSource: CNRS (this article is in French).  English version of the press release here A French-Australian laboratory for a better collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence. Un nouveau laboratoire est créé...

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2020 PRCI ANR-NRF Selected Projects

2020 PRCI ANR-NRF Selected ProjectsPlease find here the the full list of selected projects. DesperQD : Conception de boites quantiques à base d'halogénures de pérovskite pour la photonique Carole DIEDERICHMaître de Conférences, University Pierre & Marie Curie...

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Incoming SMI (International mobility grant) 2021

{"dynamic":true,"content":"post_title","settings":{"before":" ","after":" "}} You can download the attached PDF files here: VA- Application form_IncomingSMI_2021 (00000003) Application form_IncomingSMI_2021 As part of its international policy, the Institute for...

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CSIRO: State of the Climate – 2020

CSIRO: State of the Climate – 2020 The CSIRO State of the Climate 2020 has been released.  This sixth biennial State of the Climate report draws on the latest climate research, encompassing observations, analyses and projections to describe year-to-year variability...

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Talk: AFRAN Melbourne Salon

Talk: AFRAN Melbourne Salon Check out the full PDF file here Cancer is not only a major cause of mortality worldwide that touches nearly every family, but also a disease which affects all other multicellular organisms. Oncology as a scientific field has, until now,...

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Flash Call for IRN-FACES collaborative projects

Flash Call for IRN-FACES collaborative projects The IRN-FACES launches a Flash Call to support bilateral research initiatives as discussed during the last two web-meetings on hydrogen energy (H2E) and electrochemical energy storage (E2S). Call details are available in...

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Australia: PHC FASIC 2021 Program

Australia: PHC FASIC 2021 Program PHC FASIC 2021 Program (from the Embassy of France in Camberra)  Deadline for applications: 11th of January 2021 The objective of this program is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between laboratories in...

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The Franco-Australian IRP-ARS awarded twice

{"dynamic":true,"content":"post_title","settings":{"before":" ","after":" "}} The Franco-Australian IRP-ARS (Advanced Autonomy for Robotic Systems), which started in 2020, managed by Professor Tarek Hamel (I3S UMR-CNRS 7271, Côte d’Azur University)...

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France-Australia Bushfire Science Online Workshop

France-Australia Bushfire Science Online WorkshopThe Group of Eight and the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC are partnering with the French Embassy to convene this online workshop to discuss the latest advances in bushfire research and to foster future collaborations...

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Overview on quantum initiatives worldwide

Overview on quantum initiatives worldwideArticle from Qureca Over the last years there has been an exponential increase on investment in quantum technologies worldwide. The global effort for public funding has been boosted. It is an amazing and exciting time of...

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VIDEO: Lajamanu – 40 years with Warlpiri people

{"dynamic":true,"content":"post_title","settings":{"before":" ","after":" "}} Sharing life and knowledge with Warlpiri people in Lajamanu, Central Australia (1979-2017). French anthropologist from the CNRS, Barbara Glowczewski, discusses about spirituality with some...

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Call for 2022 French oceanographic campaigns

{"dynamic":true,"content":"post_title","settings":{"before":" ","after":" "}} The French Oceanographic Fleet opened its call for 2022 campaigns, with new requirements due to the current pandemic. Apply before 25 September.   More information here (in...

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ANRS 2021 call

{"dynamic":true,"content":"post_title","settings":{"before":" ","after":" "}} The first 2021 call for projects by the ANRS, the French Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis, is open until 15 September. More information here

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APPEL À CANDIDATURE : NUSANTARA 2021Source: Institut Français d'Indonésie DATE LIMITE DES CANDIDATURES :23/09/2020 L’appel à candidature du Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) Nusantara 2021 est lancé. L’objectif de ce programme de soutien est de développer les échanges...

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AFRAN Call for Initiatives 2020

AFRAN Call for Initiatives 2020Source: AFRAN Key dates Call for projects opens: 3 July 2020 Deadline for applications: 3 August 2020 Results announced: 14 August 2020 Earliest date for project start: 15 August 2020 Latest date for project completion: 31 July 2021**...

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