ATIP–Avenir Program 2023



Every year, Inserm and CNRS launch a call for the ATIP-Avenir Program.

The program is open to any young scientists, whatever their present position and nationality, with 2-8 years of experience since completion of PhD (or equivalent doctoral degree) (PhD defence between September 15, 2014 and September 15, 2020)1. Successful applicants will have to develop their projects within a structure in which he/she has not been working for more than 18 months and will not find any previous mentors (of PhD and/or post doctorate). 

Projects must relate to Life sciences or Health. The contract will have to begin during the first half of the year 2024. 

Laureates of a grant similar to the ATIP-Avenir program are not eligible (e.g. ANR JCJC or ERC programs to manage a research group). ATIP-Avenir laureates can candidate to similar programs, but cannot cumulate funding of programs similar to ATIP-Avenir.  Applicants cannot apply for more than two different ATIP-Avenir calls. 

Funding: Package for 3 years including: 

  • – Annual grant of € 60,000 
  • – Two-year salary for a postdoctoral researcher or an engineer. 
  • – Three-year salary for non-tenured laureates. 
  • Two-year extension after evaluation. 

 Two rounds of selection are applied: shortlisting in April 2023 and interviews of the selected applicants in mid-June 2023. CNRS and Inserm will jointly establish the final list of laureates early July 2023. 

Dead line: applications must be submitted in electronic form before November 22, 2022 at: 

 Contacts for further information: &

For more information, please visit the official call page :

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