Partnerships in Australia
Current CNRS partnerships in Australia
1 International Research Laboratory

International Research Laboratories are the more mature level of organization for international cooperation. They are genuine joint laboratories located within partner universities, and they bring together researchers, PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, engineers, and technicians from both the CNRS and the partner institutions for 5-years mandates. Those initial mandates are often extended so their global duration can reach 15 years or even more.

CROSSING : the FrenCh-AustRalian LabOratory for HumanS / AutonomouS Agents TeamING. International Research Laboratory CROSSING IRL 2010. CNRS, University of Adelaide, IMT Atlantique, University of South Australia, Flinders University, Naval Group.
9 International Research Projects

International Research Projects are collaborative research projects between CNRS and partner laboratories. They strengthen previously-established collaboration and allow to develop joint research activity, field work, experimentation, and supervising students. Their mandate is 5 years and can be extended once.


The IRP ALPhFA (Associated Laboratory in Photonics between France and Australia), managed by Christian Grillet (CNRS, INL) in collaboration with Prof. Arnan Mitchell (RMIT) started in 2014 and was renewed in 2019.


The IRP CANECEV, managed by Frédéric THOMAS, MIVEGEC UMR 5290 – IRD CNRS UM in collaboration with Beata UJVARI (Deakin University) started in 2017, and was shortly joined by Rodrigo HAMEDE (UTAS).


The IRP-ARS (Advanced Autonomy for Robotic Systems) is managed by Professor Tarek Hamel (I3S UMR-CNRS 7271, Côte d’Azur University) in collaboration with Professor Robert Mahony (Australian Centre for Robotic Vision, Australian National University) and started in 2020.


The CNRS-INSERM IRP FEMIDAL (Formal/Experimental Methods and In-depth Description of Australian Indigenous Languages) is a collaborative research program bringing together Australian academics from Europe and Australia working on formal and experimental linguistics, and/or Indigenous Australian languages. 


The IRL “FuMa” for Fundamental Mathematics is a joint CNRS – Australian National University (ANU) initiative in the field of basic and applied mathematics, managed by Prof. Filipo Santambrogio (CNRS) and Stephen Roberts (ANU).


The IRP SoCNetMM (Social Communication Network in Marine Mammals), managed by Isabelle Charrier (UMR9197 CNRS Paris Saclay Institute of Neuroscience) in collaboration with Pr. Robert Harcourt (Macquarie University) started in 2020 but is the follow-up of the LIA MCoMM (Multimodal Communication in Marine Mammals, 2015-2018).


The IRP AMHELIE (Additive Manufacturing for High pErformance materiaLs and lattIce structurEs) is a project between the I2M Laboratory – UMR CNRS 5295 (Pr. N. Saintier) and the Australian universities of Queensland (Pr. M. Dargusch) and Monash (Pr Aijun Huang).


The CNRS-INSERM IRP ApicoLipid (Apicomplexan parasites lipid and membrane biogenesis) is managed by Dr Cyrille Botté (IAB CNRS UMR5309 INSERM U1209, Université Grenoble Alpes) in collaboration with Professor Geoff McFadden (School of Biosciences, University of Melbourne). Our IRP was initiated through a long term and fruitful collaboration between our two laboratories initially supported by a CNRS International Scientific Project (PICS 2013-2017) and through our IRP in 2018. Our consortium aims to better understand the role propagation and pathogenicity of infectious agents causing malaria and toxoplasmosis to identify novel drug targets.


The IRP MAITAI focusing on Multiphoton Absorbers in Therapy and Imaging is a joint CNRS-ANU initiative in chemistry built on a strong collaborative French-Australian consortium involving synthetic molecular chemists, physicochemists and biochemists. It focuses on molecular photonics, and also on molecular electronics as a mean to impart specific photonic properties to discrete molecular (sub)nano-sized architectures. It involves 24 Australian and French researchers mainly located at the Institute of Chemical Sciences of Rennes (ISCR), a joint CNRS-University of Rennes 1 unit (UMR CNRS6226), and at the Australian researchers at ANU. It constitutes the continuation of the International Associated Laboratory (LIA) Redochrome.

6 International Research Networks

International Research Networks will structure and gather a large international scientific community around a common theme or à research infrastructure. It promotes the organization of international workshops and seminars, as well as thematic schools. It brings together, for a duration of five years, researchers from several French and international laboratories, and several countries can be involved in one network.


The French-Australian research network on Conversion and Energy Storage for stand-alone & maritime applications (International Research Network FACES) is managed on the French side, by Dr. Fermín CUEVAS, CNRS research director at the East-Paris Institute of Chemistry and Materials Science (ICMPE) in collaboration with ICMCB-Bordeaux, IEM-Montpellier, IMN-Nantes, FEMTO-ST-Franche Comté, IMS-Bordeaux, LAPLACE-Toulouse et AMPERE-Lyon. On the Australian side, it is managed by Prof. Francois AGUEY-ZINSOU, leader of the Material Energy Research Laboratory in nanoscale (MERLin) at The School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW, in collaboration with the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Deakin University, University of South Australia (UNiSA), and Flinders University (Flinders). It has been launched in January 2020.


French-Australian Research Network on the study of the Continental Lithosphere.


The program of the GDRI is devoted to biofuel and material production from microalgae. To develop a sustainable and industrial production, this implies indeed biological and technological breakthroughs which would be achieved only if an important scientific effort is conducted on a large set of scientific topics such as establishment of culture method of the useful algae, gene modification for improvement of productivity, optimization of culture apparatus, development of harvesting and extraction technology, analytical and synthetic chemistry for reforming biomass products for future commercialization.


The Institute for Philosophy In Biology and Medicine (PhilInBioMed) is a network of interdisciplinary institutes in Australia, Austria, France, the UK and the USA. PhilInBioMed aims at advancing philosophy in the biological and medical sciences, i.e. the co-production of knowledge by the direct interactions of philosophers, biologists, and medical doctors.


The International Research Network Interstellar Institute () is managed on the French side by Marc-Antoine Miville-Deschênes, CNRS research director at the Astrophysics, Instrumentation & Modeling (AIM) Laboratory in Paris-Saclay, and on the American side by Joshua Peek, associate astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore.

The 27 core members of this network are located in institutes and universities in Australia, Canada, the United States, France, Germany, Austria and Greece.

ASEAN China Norms

The IRN ASEAN-China-Norms China’s Rise and the New Social Norms in Southeast Asia is developed in collaboration with 11 research labs from 7 countries and will be effective between 2019 and 2023. It was created by the Centre for Southeast Asia (CASE) in partnership with the French Institute of Research on East Asia (IFRAE) and the French Centre on Contemporary China (CEFC), which are part of the “GIS Asie”, the French Network for Asian studies. The IRN involves 40 Junior and Senior Researchers.

5 International Emerging Actions

International Emerging Actions are PI-to-PI projects whose purpose is to explore new fields of research and international partnerships through: short-term mobility of scientists, the organisation of working meetings, and the initiation of early-stage joint research works for shared scientific projects. These actions have a duration of two years.


The IEA MARGEN aims to use an entire family of marine invertebrates as a model for macroevolution experimental studies, specifically to track and study the transitions to (and from) coloniality.


The IEA XERD-0vbb aims at investigating the nature of neutrinos probing non-standard mechanism of neutrinoless double beta decay with the XENONnT experiment and study the future perspectives with the next generation DARWIN detector.


The IEA CHRONOS aims at exploring microalgae-bacteria interactions in sediments as old as 11,000 years to go back in time and better understand the evolution of these interactions as we know them today.


The IEA GELMET is aimed at optimizing and using hydrogels to precisely modulate the release rate of baclofen to allow a prolonged drug release.


The IEA DEMARquATION aims at developing and designing an original photoactive and biocide materials which associates building block photoactive biomaterials and a 3D-printing fabrication strategy.